Image for Kriss


Available soon on PIN 7410

Kriss is an extraordinary warm & compassionate Psychic Clairvoyant & Tarot card reader with over 35 years of experience. Kriss uses a number of esoteric tools when giving a reading including Numerology, Astrology, Psychic Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, Mediumship as well as Tarot cards & Crystals. Using these tools Kriss is able to tune into you very quickly giving you a clear and thorough reading. Kriss has many celebrities & other high profile clients who trust her honest & accurate readings. Being a Medium, Kriss can often pick up on loved ones that have passed over, bringing her clients a profound sense of well-being along with answers to their questions. Kriss works 9am - 9pm Mon to Fri.


  • I have had many readings with Kriss. I agreed with A that not all predictions come through although she’s gentle, kind and calm.

    Sue, July 2024
  • One prediction I really didn’t think would come to play out and good lord it has come to light. Wow absolutely wow!!! In the net there jackie

    s, July 2024
  • I have had lots of readings with Kriss and I feel she definitely has psychic abilities and is able to recite names and details brilliantly. I don’t think her predictions always come to pass though.

    A, June 2024
  • I have had the privilege of getting reading from Kriss for quite a few years now. She has helped me and my family navigate some challenging circumstances, and her guidance has always been absolutely spot on. I especially love that family who have passed come through her to talk to me, it’s so heartwarming to get their messages. Kriss has an absolutely amazing
    ability, and she often says things that happen within a very short time. We owe her a very big thank you for all of her support. She’s so accurate when she reads for me, the detail is always right. Thank you Kriss, from all of us in our family. X

    J, May 2024
  • Very sympathetic. What Kriss told me from spirit was very accurate. She GOT my current circumstances off to a tee. Would thoroughly recommend her.

    Carolyn, February 2024
  • This is a long overdue testimonial for Kriss!!! I want to say a big big thank-you to Kriss for the several years that she has been reading for and guiding me when things have not been right in my life. I just love her calm, soft and gentle approach and her readings are always so accurate !!! She not only is a talented and gifted reader but someone who genuinely cares and wants to help people…She has the ability to calm me right down if I am ever worried about anything …I will continue to read with Kriss as she connects well with me !!!! A beautiful soul and someone who is direct with her approach!!! Great reader…. And a great life coach at the same time !!!!
    Thank you again Kriss!!!
    Lots of love and light to you !!!

    Gurdip, October 2023
  • I had a reading with Kriss and I did not connect with her at all. She was not connected with my situation, I had to correct her and she just missed the mark on every point. She’s a nice lady but I won’t be having a reading with her again.

    Pam, October 2023
  • Very helpful lady who correctly validated current situation with ex partner, and circumstances that surround it.
    Predictions did not come through in time frame given.

    Anon, June 2023
  • Kriss in brilliant! Put me on ease by providing me effective strategies in handling stormy situation. Those strategies work!

    Sue, June 2023
  • The best on this site. Extremely accurate.

    sarah, June 2023
  • I have been speaking to Kriss now for the last 18 months regarding a new business venture I’ve been trying to get off the ground..
    It’s a digitial insurance brokers and AI Insurance app. Kriss told me that the product that I originally wanted to the market and the direction I would go in would completely change. She has been astounding accurate, her insight into business is as if she’s sitting in on my corporate meetings. She predicted that the product I’d bring to the insurance market no one would have globally, that’s true. She said that we’d trade in many countries around the world correct again as we are in negotiations with a global partner. I’ve secured £400,000 in investment which she predicted and she said that the legals for this deal would be tied up by the end of June and that’s when I’d receive my first salary, all this was confirmed yesterday. Kriss has the Wow,factor and your ” Go Too” psychic. Many many thanks for all your support Kriss, this has at times been a very difficult long hard journey and your accuracy along the way had been amazing I cannot recommend Kriss highly enough she is the real deal ! Speak soon Carol x

    Carol, May 2023
  • Kriss has always be my number 1 reader! She is honest, calm, supportive and compassionate. Her predictions were accurate and helped me to rebuild my life. I can’t thank her enough. I highly recommend Kriss to you. Sue

    Sue, May 2023
  • Many people talk about the positive predictions…Kriss has given two predictions on both my exes- both telling me they were bad and going away…I didn’t believe her and yet she was right!!..she even told me my ex would give something back which I didn’t know about – he did!!..there is a reason she is soooo good!!..Good hearted and sooo understanding…I am never doubting her again!

    Tharmila, April 2023
  • A long overdue testimonial from me for Kriss. I wrote one a few years back, but need to say thank you again to this brilliant lady. I have been getting readings from Kriss for a few years, and her astounding accuracy as well as sticking with my family through a tough time has been incredibly helpful. She has given very clear advice to help us navigate some difficult situations, and will only tell you what she sees clearly which is great. She has the habit of saying things to me, and they happen within a day or two, or someone says exactly what she said they would. I really need to also mention that Kriss is phenomenal with timing, she just hits the mark every time for me, so if you are looking for that level of accuracy – I really recommend this amazing lady.
    She is absolutely one of the best readers on here and I thoroughly recommend her without hesitation.
    Five stars.

    Anon, March 2023
  • Hey I had a reading by Kriss and it was amazing. Can’t believe how accurate she was with just about everything. She spoke directly to my deceased love one and it was amazing. Would highly recommend to be honest. What a reading. Love it.

    Sean, February 2023
  • I had a reading with Kris, I can honestly say she has surprised me as she has said some things I have never mentioned to her. I honestly believe her predictions will come to pas. However I still hope you are wrong Kris, well you know how much I want to stay and how much I love her.

    Anon, January 2023
  • Kriss is a fantastic reader, who is one of the best on this website. She tunes into your energy and accurately gives you guidance and predictions. She is friendly, and down to earth.

    Verity, January 2023
  • I’ve been speaking with Kriss for years, and all her predictions have unfolded, exactly as she described. Her ability to see is amazing! Such a down to earth, calming style too. Huge respect and appreciation for Kriss!

    Charlotte, January 2023
  • I have only had one reading with Kriss… She was totally amazing… I went into the reading feeling really sad & at a loss… That feeling lasted seconds… She told me things that she would not have had no way of knowing in regards to my current situation… She picked up on real personal things… Pet names… Locations… You name it… Kriss knew it… I was at a total loss & now I can’t wait for 2023… Because of Kriss… I have hope… Because of Kriss… I smile again… I will definitely be contacting her again… Highly recommended… She’s amazing… A kind… Gentle & beautiful soul.., Who connects with you straight away it’s as though I had known her a lifetime… Love & light Kriss… Speak soon… & most of all… Thank you for helping me see things clearly… & giving me the guidance of what I need to do… ❤️… xxxx

    Linda, December 2022
  • Had several readings in September and October regarding work opportunities and a personal home matter. Kriss Correctly validated and predicted current outcomes, and time frames. Only three psychics have predicted things for me that have actually recently materialise and Kriss is one of them. Can’t wait for the rest. It’s really giving me hope and belief. Would highly recommend her. Love N Light. Xx

    Peace, November 2022
  • Kriss was kind & caring & put my mind at ease.

    Deborah, August 2022
  • Had a reading with Kriss 17/5/22. She mentioned or rightly predicted something about my work this week; at the time I was trying to make sense of what she was being given. By Friday it made complete sense and was accurate. Would recommend her. Fingers crossed for the others too. Lol. X

    Peace, May 2022
  • I was fortunate to be able to have a reading with Kriss. What a calm, caring and kind Soul. She puts you at ease and is so accurate. Really amazing

    Anon, May 2022
  • You were spot on 1 prediction came true will wait for the next

    Shanaz, March 2022
  • I had a number of readings when my life turned upside down, Kriss was extremely accurate with her predictions, she’s amazing.

    Amy, March 2022
  • Best Reader/spiritual coach EVER. This Lady is excellent, very accurate and very helpful when you need guidance. Softly spoken but very grounded. Genuinely gifted

    Sarah, March 2022
  • I have had many, many readings with Kriss over the years. Not only is she very accurate, she is kind, compassionate and always makes me feel better during low periods. She has a soft and lovely way about her, always helping you to see the positive rather then negative. I think Kriss is amazing and I will always return, she is my go to!

    Angeline, November 2021
  • Kriss was the first psychic I ever spoke to and for years after. She’s predicted events, times and conversation word for word. It may not be what I want to hear but it’s for my highest good. Thank you Kriss.

    S, September 2021
  • Kris is wonderful! She’s accurately predicted many things for me, and I’ve spoken with her a number of times over the last year. She always reminds me of the good that is happening around me, and helps me see my vision for the way forward more clearly. She’s kind, funny and a pleasure to connect with.

    Charlotte, August 2021
  • I’ve had lots of readings in my time but Kriss has genuinely blown me away! She really nailed it. She told me the house I was looking at had a river at the back of it, which was the only thing I thought she was wrong about in my reading. Turns out it does indeed have a river at the back of it after all. Incredible! Thank you Kriss and look forward to speaking to you again x

    Hannah, May 2021
  • I have had the pleasure to read with Kriss since the beginning of 2021. Kriss’s voice is soft spoken. She gives you a sense of calm. I continue to return to her due to her level of accuracy. She describes people and places with such great detail. Her predictions always come to pass. She always leaves me in awe! Kriss will always tell you what you need to hear. If she may not see it she is not afraid to let you know. I love her transparency as well as her words of affirmation. I feel she is such a genuine soul. I enjoy our sessions together I always leave with a sense enlightenment!

    Avery, May 2021
  • Had another reading with Kriss, I just wanted to see if I had changed the path that the cards informed me of from our last reading. Kriss has such a calming voice and demeanour and will use words that will give you the strength to pick yourself up and carry on forward, thank you Kriss, will always contact you. God bless you.

    James, May 2021
  • I had a reading with Kriss at the beginning of April, and she was able to pick up on my feelings and the person i had just lost contact with, she eased my mind stating that i will find her again under better circumstances. Kriss was very nice to talk to and i also found her to be very calming and in tune with my circumstance. Thank you Kriss i will be contacting again soon

    james, May 2021
  • I recently had a lovely reading with Kriss, she is very friendly and open, she has a lovely warm empathetic approach to her readings. She picked up on my situation immediately and even was able to pick up on others involved right down to their name. She made it so easy for me to talk to her, it was like talking to a wise friend. I had a dilemma and she made me feel a lot clearer about it almost immediately. Will definitely have another reading with her in the future

    Vikki, April 2021
  • Kriss has a wonderful energy, and I knew that she had immediately connected with me. She was very in tune with my work circumstances and matters surrounding relationships. I see others have described Kriss as a warm, caring professional, and they are absolutely right. I can’t recommend her highly enough – Feb 2021

    Christian, February 2021
  • Just always on point, accurate, accurate, accurate, I trust Kriss completely. BEAUTIFUL READER.

    Seb, January 2021
  • I have had a few readings with kriss now, I can honestly say she just has this way of helping to calm anxieties. She picks up on situations and characteristics of people involved so well. And speaks in such kindness without any judgement, thank you for your continued reassurance and guidance
    I adore speaking with you 😊

    ECM, December 2020
  • I had my 1st reading with Kriss this morning & I have to say I was so so happy with the outcome. I almost feel like I just want to phone her back already 🙂 the energy that I felt from Kriss made me feel relaxed straight away & that helped massively. I feel so positive about what we spoke about & I will definitely be calling Kriss again in due time. Just want to say thank you so so much xxx

    Ky, October 2020
  • Lovely, caring and compassionate lady. Her readings are fantastic and she has and is supporting me through a devastating time. Thank you Kriss, I am sure your predictions will come true. 

    Iliana, July 2020
  • Beautiful and accurate reading 5*.Thankyou so much kriss:)x

    Lucy, May 2020
  • Had a lovely detailed reading with Kriss this evening. Made correct validations and predictions that I will be looking forward to and happy to see materialise. I would recommend Kriss seriously. I was given intricate details that were too good to ignore. Worth the call. Love and light all. Xx

    Peace, May 2020
  • I have had many readings with Kriss over the past 2 years as I have been in the midst of a stressful situation. Kriss is wonderfully insightful, oozes empathy and is direct – which I love! As soon as you hear her voice you know you are going to get an honest, accurate and detailed response! Kriss has ALWAYS been spot on with predictions and outcomes for me and the bonus? She never waffles on and keeps you on the phone longer than you need to. Kriss is the best I have ever come across and I highly recommend her and if I could give more than 5 stars I would.

    SM, June 2019
  • Very accurate, easy to speak to as she gets to the point would hugely recommend.

    Daisy, May 2019
  • I have confided in Kriss for years and she never fails to amaze me with her readings. She is accurate and can tune into difficult situations in my life to guide me. Kriss lifts me up when I’m feeling low and is the best Physchic I know. You will not be disappointed! Thank you Kriss!

    Anon, May 2019
  • Kriss is an absolutely astounding psychic, I cannot recommend her highly enough. I have had many readings with Kriss this year and will keep coming back. She has incredible accuracy, down to detail that I have no idea how she knows – Peoples names! and dates that are so spot on. She has told me things in readings that have happened days later, she just has a phenomenal ability. As well as being so clear and accurate, she is just a joy to talk to, so kind and supportive. She makes me feel like everything is going to be alright. I have been going through a tough time this year and I can see the way forward and not feel worried after talking to Kriss. I recommend her to anyone wanting incredible accuracy, detail, and compassion. Just a lovely person.

    Jen, July 2018
  • Had an amazing reading with Kriss – she told me I would be getting a job offer imminently and 2 days later I was offered an amazing job. She was spot on and I’m looking forward to meeting my love partner in the next 2 months as she predicted.

    Melani, July 2018
  • Had a great reading from Kriss yesterday! Spot on! Definitely recommended!

    Yvonne, March 2018
  • I’ve just had a lovely wonderful 1st reading by Kriss.

    Kriss was very kind, and picked up very quickly on my present situation. I would highly recommend Kriss, as she picked up a lot of things in my private life. She was clear and predicted many things for the future!

    A lot of patience by Kriss, and it was really lovely my Uncle Chris came in through the spirit world.

    Thank you, so much. Love and healing to you Kriss.


    J, February 2018
  • Kriss was wonderful to talk to and tuned into my issues very accurately and effortlessly. She knew almost immediately what my question was, without my having to tell her. She was even able to tell me details such as the colour of my living room, which was an extra confirmation of how clearly connected she was… no guessing there! I received some very useful insights and advice and found my conversation with Kriss to be very helpful. She’s a great reader and I highly recommend her. Thanks for an excellent reading Kriss!


    Ziemie, February 2018
  • Kriss is an exceptional psychic she can tune into past, present and future events. She is very accurate with the information she gives, I have had several readings with Kriss and she amazes me every time with her accuracy. She knows how to put your mind at ease and not worry. I would definitely recommend her. Thank you Kriss for all the support and advice you have given me. Xx

    Andrea, July 2017
  • I have had a few readings off Kriss and she amazes me every time with her accuracy and how in-tune she is with my life! she always gives a word of encouragement and leaves you feeling secure.

    Thank you Kriss!

    Georgia, January 2017
  • “I just want to say Kriss is an AMAZING physcic and a genuine lovely lady! I have had a difficult few years and she has given me some spot on readings. I was impressed by what she could see in my past and the things she could see in my future. She told me how I would give birth to my daughter, the date the place and intricate details that no one could have ever guessed! When I need clarity she will give me her honest opinion and guide me in the right direction. Even on my darkest days she makes the sun come out. She is always warm and caring. I want to send her the biggest hug and thank her for being so amazing.

    Anon, April 2016
  • This testimonial is long overdue for kriss, she is amazing. Kriss i just wanted to thank you for your support over the passing months, you have been my strength and i am so grateful. Kriss puts the reading over in such a friendly manner making her a pleasure to speak with, i will continue to keep in touch with my current situation and once again thanks fo your support. Fantastic reader
    Feb 2016

    jenna, February 2016
  • I’m always looking for fantastic readers and Kriss is definitely brilliant with everything she’s told me. I’ve had several readings with her and they have all been spot on. I love her approach, it’s very honest and direct and suits me. I’ve been very impressed with her tuning in to details and she’s really been helpful in resolving a complex ongoing situation.
    Thanks Kriss for your brilliant readings each time!

    Nina, January 2016
  • I cannot stress further how enlightening and relaxing it was to hear a reading by Kriss. She was spot on with things going on in my life and even made some wonderful predictions which I hope come true. Money well spent if you prefer an uplifting boost!

    Reema, December 2015
  • Wanted to leave a testimonial for Kriss. Had an amazing reading with Kriss – she told me I would be getting a job offer imminently – 2 days later I was offered an amazing job. She was spot on – looking forward to meeting my love partner in the next 2 months as she predicted.

    lilian, June 2015
  • Kriss is a brilliant psychic! I love her polite, articulate & honest manor. After being on my own for a number of years, Kriss predicted that I would meet a new partner that summer, and lo & behold I did! that was two years ago and we’re still together & very happy to this day!
    Kriss’s readings are always spot on & I never hesitate to call her when I’m in need of advice or guidance. I highly recommend Kriss, you’ll be amazed.
    Thanks Kriss you are truly gifted
    Elizabeth May 2015

    Lizzy, May 2015
  • I have had several reading with Kriss over the past months and all her readings have been very accurate and she has been able to help me tremendously during this time. Kriss is a very sweet, caring , honest psychic . I can highly recommend her readings to anyone!!

    Lisa, December 2014
  • Just had a reading with Kriss. I am a reader myself and I just had to say, Kriss is absolutely amazing and very gifted at what she does. Very spot-on and able to give very detailed information. Thank you Kriss for being insightful and able to both communicate delicate information/be uplifting at the same time.

    Anonymous, August 2014
  • Hi I had a reading with Kriss I would highly recommend her she was spot on it took her a while to connect with me because I’ve had quite a few reading over the weeks about a situation but when she did finally connect it was the best reading by far. I can’t wait for the next few weeks to come to see if they turn out the way she said… The best part was when she told me the amount of money my ex owed me nobody could of guessed that 🙂 Thank you again x

    C, July 2014
  • Brilliant and very very honest

    Karen, May 2014
  • Yes! Kriss is awesome … provides absolutely wonderful, accurate readings. I have had two readings so far and on both occasions the readings were highly accurate and really helped me. When you need a bit of advice or when at a bit of a crossroads in your life, look no further!!!
    Kriss is warm, caring, professional and takes time to clearly explain all aspects of the reading!
    I would very much recommend a reading with her to anyone!

    jana, February 2014
  • Had lots of readings with kriss. She is very accurate and so far all has come true, she really is amazing. At my low times she reassures me and comes out with things that she couldn’t possibly know. Have a reading with her , you will be amazed

    Jane, August 2013
  • Ive been having readings with Kriss for some years and felt that I should submit a testimonial for her. She has guided me with the assistance of her guides through many problems over the years, which have included work and personal issues. She has always managed to get to the bottom of the problem quickly. I would highly recommend Kriss for a reading.
    Thanks David

    David, August 2013
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