Author Archives: Wendy Flynn

Focus on Venus – PIN 7430

The Planet Venus was named after the Roman goddess of love, probably because it shines so much and stands out in the night sky.

It is the only Planet that is named after a female.

Venus is the second planet from the Sun and is the second brightest in the sky after the Moon.

It orbits the Sun every 224.7 Earth days compared to the Earth’s 365 days.

Venus has the longest rotation period of any planet in the Solar System and it rotates in the opposite direction to most other planets, too.

It does not have any natural satellites.

It is the second largest terrestrial planet and some people refer to it as the Earth’s sister planet as they have a similar size and mass.

It is 108.2million km from the Sun.

It has 460.2 million km surface area.

The thick clouds on Venus reflect most of the sunlight that reaches it back into space – that is why it is so bright. Because it is the brightest,  it can be seen by the naked eye often a few hours after sunset or before sunrise.

Venus has a central iron core and rocky mantle, it is a similar composition to the Earth. However its atmosphere is 96 per cent carbon dioxide and 3 per cent nitrogen and other gases.

It was formed approximately 4.6 billion years ago, when the solar system was a cloud of dusts and gases.

The inner core formed first like the Earth and then other elements formed a crust over the years.

The surface of Venus has is own unique geology and has large meteor craters, volcanoes, erosions and also some sedimentation land forms. However,  these have been smoothed somewhat by lava flows and by the corrosive atmosphere.

In Astrology Venus rules Taurus which brings love,  friendship and all the things that make life worthwhile.

Focus on Mars – By Elizabeth Rose PIN 7430

Mars is known as the red planet – this colour is caused by the iron oxide on the surface of the planet in its soil.

It is the he fourth planet from the Sun and the second-smallest planet in the Solar System after Mercury.

The Romans named the planet after their god of war.

It has a thin atmosphere and is mostly composed of carbon dioxide.

The planet is one-sixth the size of Earth and estimated to be over 142 million miles from the sun.

It takes 24 hours, 37 mins and 22 seconds to rotate once on its axis hence this is a Mars day.

Mars does take twice the time the Earth takes to complete a full revolution around the sun.

It has its own weather pattern having seasonal changes and has polar ice caps.

On Mars the temperature is on average minus 80 degrees Fahrenheit. In winter near the poles it can go down to minus 195 degrees Fahrenheit.

The Earth has 21 per cent of oxygen Mars only has 0.13 per cent. It has 95.3 per cent of the gas carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

There is also nitrogen and argon and small amounts of water and methane.

Mars has the tallest mountain in the solar system called Olympus Mons. It s more than 21 km high and is about three times taller than Mount Everest and is more than 600 km in diameter.

Because of less gravity you would weigh less than twice your weight on Mars.

As the oxygen is so thin you would not be able to breath on Mars without a spacesuit and an oxygen cylinder.

The month of March is derived from the name Mars.

The first aircraft to reach Mars took 228 days to get there.

Mars can be spotted by the naked eye if conditions are right due to its reddish colour.

Spirit Animals by Louise PIN 7492

Spirit animals 
For many years people have speculated whether or not animals are psychic.
In my experience, because of an animals innocence and none egotistical nature, animals are able to see the spirit world and communicate with spirits.
Each one of us,  as well as having a human guide,  have an animal guide too.
The purpose of this is to help us to connect not only with nature but our true selves.
Many of you who have called me have heard my dog “Mischief” in the background.
Mischief posses her own sixth sense and can see and sense spirit.
She will often give off her own signs that I am about to receive a call  has also been known to predict things too.
I ask her a simple yes or no answer and she will indicate the answer to me and she has never once failed me. She is still just a baby but she is learning and growing fast.
Each animal that comes into your life is there for a higher purpose –  to teach us lessons about love and loyalty. Sometimes humans can have difficulties learning such things alone.

Love/Relationship readings by Gabby PIN 7432

Love/Relationship readings by Gabby. 

Love and relationships are the most complex and challenging readings that I give here at Elizabeth Rose because many of us struggle to contemplate the “truth” of the issues we face in our relationships. 

I feel it is relevant to discuss how to know if you are in a “toxic” relationship. If the person you are with asks you “to date other people as you will never be exclusive”, “not to contact” or “walks out of your shared home to be with someone else” then this is a toxic relationship! 

The by-product of being involved in a toxic relationship over time is that you can become a “victim” of the negative or disrespectful behaviour being displayed. Often, when I give a love reading and link into this energy I am aware that the person is so used to being treated with such a lack of respect that they are surprised to realise that they have been putting up with negativity for so long. 

An honest and empowering love reading allows us to hold a mirror up to our lives and then change things for the better. Love readings should always be empowering and we should always be willing to embrace change! Often, we accept second rate relationships because it is easier or we do not have the courage to walk away. I always say to my clients “Does this person make you feel valued, secure, balanced and happy?”  – if not, walk away. Not to be dramatic but because this is not your soulmate connection. We must remember that by staying in an unfulfilled relationship it is damaging to our own health and well-being. 

I am a great believer that the most empowering love relationship that you ever have in life should be with…….. yourself! Always remember that integrity matters – nurturing and caring for yourself first means that when you do find your soulmate you will be loved for who you are – You will not have to change to be someone that you’re not. 

I am always happy when my clients return to thank me for a love reading that has changed their lives and they have found the happiness they truly deserve.

The Ascension Process and working with the current Energies by Rosalyn PIN 7426

The Ascension Process and working with the current Energies

This is just one description for the evolution of Humanity and the Earth currently underway. Many of you are familiar with it, some more than others but I still speak to folk who’ve never come across it. It is a vast topic and there are as many theories out there as there are Mediums to channel information – so for those new to the concept, let me try to simplify it.

It may help to think of the Earth as a Being, (because she is – let’s use her well known name, Gaia), rather than think of her as a lump of rock! She is rising into the higher dimensions, and we are rising with her. If you are incarnate on this planet at this time, you’re here to either assist in this process or to observe it, but we each have a part to play, each of us holds a piece of the jig saw.

So why is this time so special. It has been known to indigenous peoples for thousands of years. The Mayans predicted the 2012 Portal eons ago, and we did indeed pass through that Energy Gateway. Notice how our world has, and still is changing rapidly in the last five years and ongoing . We’ve seen banking scandals and elite paedophile rings being exposed, armies of whistle-blowers speaking out to illuminate corruption and darkness – in other words, the Light of Truth is being shone in a way that cannot be ignored. If it doesn’t have integrity, it can’t come where we’re going, and so the old structures that kept us limited and in chains are crumbling – we are finally beginning to properly understand that we are all connected, what affects one, affects us all so we must treat one another, and our precious Mother Earth with Love, Compassion and Respect.

So much for the ‘external’ world, but all of this has a profound effect on each of us internally. Our bodies are changing, we are becoming Lighter, our DNA is being realigned and we are increasingly sensitive. We now must have integrity towards ourselves – we must take responsibility. For many that means that the career they once loved, or the social circle that once was a big part of their lives no longer resonates – they find themselves dramatically bereft of relationships they thought would last a lifetime and precious material possessions vanish in a disturbing way!

It’s all part of the process. There are many lists of ‘ascension symptoms’ all over the Internet. Here are just a few:

Erratic sleep patterns

Digestive issues

Emotional roller coaster

A feeling of not fitting in

Respiratory and sinus problems

Extreme fatigue

Tinnitus like symptoms

Vertigo type symptoms

I could go on but for now, suffice it to say that while I’m in no way attempting to give or replace medical advice here, so many people aren’t able to find satisfactory medical diagnosis and/or treatment. It’s worth remembering that there are Holistic treatments and Natural Remedies that can help and can often be used in conjunction with anything your GP recommends if you discuss it with them.

Above all, remember that this is a Journey. It is a process by which we let go of the old, and together we are co-creating Heaven here on Earth – a brand new Golden Age in which you no longer have to leave the physical body in order to experience the bliss of the higher realms. It’s not always an easy process, but it is certainly worth it. We are sooo privileged to be here, in this moment, sharing this most Magical Event!

If you have questions about this topic that you would like me to address in future blogs, please email them.

With Love, Light and Magical Blessings


Dream Analysis by Melanie PIN 7423

So you wake up, get up and follow your daily routine. But something is very different – you had a dream last night and it’s that dream that is tapping away in your mind relentlessly. Whether the dream is good, bad, or indifferent, it’s there and it’s confusing and disruptive.

Depending on the content of the dream, you will ask yourself:

‘Was it a premonition?’

‘Why have I had a dream about the girl I sat next to at school, when I don’t know her and haven’t thought about her for twenty years?’

‘What’s the matter with my mind to have such a vile dream?’

Dreams can be both pleasant and/or disturbing. The reason why they commonly make no sense and cannot be deciphered is because dreams are a pathway to the unconscious mind. What’s in your unconscious mind? None of us know. A mixture of impulses/primitive wishes/experiences, both present and from past lives. The unconscious mind holds vast amounts of information locked away in a cupboard. Our dreams give us a temporary key to that cupboard. In our dreams our ego’s defenses are lowered so that repressed material comes through to our awareness. But it always comes through in a very distorted form.

As our experiences,both now and in past lives are different, our unconscious minds are totally individualistic. So in dream interpretation it is impossible to apply a ‘one fits all’ approach. For example, a dream about a snake will mean very different things to different people. Some people will view the snake as an evil premonition because to them a snake represents prey poison and devious behaviour. But in other cultures snakes represent fertility or/and creative life. This is because snakes shed their skin and this is seen as a symbol of rebirth and renewal of life.

Your dreams are individual to you and commonly are symbolic. Please don’t fear their subject matter – it will be symbolic of many things which have come to you in a distorted fashion. I have studied dream interpretation in great depth over many years and can assure not to be frightened of your dream – they are simply a glimpse into your unconscious self.

Getting the best from your Psychic readings – By Agnes

Seasons greetings to all clients and new callers,
Just a short blog today with some simple techniques to a successful reading.
If you can, turn of all electrical equipment that is not needed in the space you are having the reading. Spirits are sensitive beings and a  dimmed light or candle is preferred, Personally I work with candle light behind me and a black obsidian scrying mirror in front if me with a lot of incense burning ( I will blog again on appropriate incense for psychic work).
Noise and busy spaces can really block spirit coming through, try to lessen this by finding a quieter space.
The best readings are the ones that the client and reader work together in a open way. We work with sensitive energies and in order to open the veil to the spirit world and let them give messages they need to feel safe and respected. You can do this by taking a few moments before your reading to breathe, relax and set your intention to what you need answered.
Please allow a minute for the reader to tune in with your energies. Personally, I never ask probing questions but I do need a minute in silence after greeting you to the line to get a link.  That minute can make a huge difference to the quality of  your reading.
Readings can sap energies for two reasons –  spirit sometimes need to borrow some of ours to come through as well as talking about heart wrenching situations.  After your reading it is advisable to take a few moments and ground yourself.  Sweet tea can help and some time to reflect on the reading that has just taken place.
There have been times clients have sought my advice after having a disappointing reading. You should not see these as a waste of time nor money.  Instead reclaim your power instead of feeling down. Open your intuition to what the spirits really were saying.
For example, if a reader told you “don’t work as you’ll win the lottery one day.”  Are spirit telling the client that there is an abundance coming in their life but in a different form? An inexperienced reader has not interpreted spirits messages correctly and have passed this on in a different way.
Clients some-times get quite paranoid about giving such things as the first name of someone they want to look at in their reading.  Please have complete trust in your reader. We hold strong ethics working with Moon Predictions and the reason we were taken on- board with a reputable company.
My spirit guides and I look forward to welcoming you and your guides to a session.  May I also take this opportunity to wish you a very happy 2016, IT’LL BE GREAT ALLOW IT IN!


Meditation – By Louise

For a while now lots of my callers have been asking me how to meditate and what are the best ways to meditate for different things and reasons.
The reasons for meditation are various – some people like to meditate for relaxation and to just calm their mind. When I am meditating for this reason, I start off slowly.
1)  Sit or lay down in a way to what feels the most comfortable to you.
2)  Put on some relaxing music if you wish. I find this always helps me to relax more.
3)  Close your eyes and feel yourself surrounded by the most beautiful golden light and drift off to a place of pure tranquility. The place where I like to go is a beach, I notice everything I feel the sand squishing between my toes and the warm sun on my skin. I smell the sea and see the sea lapping up on the shore. But remember, this is your place so it can be anywhere you feel the most happy.
4)  As you relax in your own place, feel all the worries and stress just drift away in to the sea breeze and feel a feeling of calm knowing that everything will be okay. You will feel more alive and revitalised.
You can do this for as long as you like – remember there is no right or wrong way to do this.
Meditation for cosmic ordering or manifestation.
This one is something that I get asked for a lot. Sometimes it just seems with all the best will in the world you cannot shake the feeling like you are being short changed by the universe, but believe it or not the universe is very neutral.
Positive does attract Positive and vice versa with Negative.
Cosmic ordering is simple and there are many different techniques out there. Here is a clear and simple one to help you get started.
1)  As with the first meditation, relax, sit down or lay down, which ever you feel most comfortable doing but make sure you do not feel tired or you could fall asleep!
2)  As you relax and drift off, feel yourself surrounded by that same golden light and notice that you become the light. You are the light and the light is you.
3)  As you are in the light notice how everything and everyone are connected by this light just like the branches of a tree and the tree is the universe. You are connected to everything and everyone.
4)  Once you can feel and see the universe on that level, see your orders for the universe being carried to core and being dissolved in to the light.
5)  Once you know that this has happened and you have felt and seen your orders being taken to the core then see and feel them coming true. Actually feel what it would feel like and smell what it would smell like.
6)  Every night or day go through what you have ordered again and feel like it has already happened.
Next time I will be discussing cord cutting. – Louise

5 False Myths about Psychic Readers – By Sharon

5 False Myths about Psychic Readers
Most psychic readers use more than intuition to provide you with psychic guidance. They use various divination tools such as the Tarot, crystal ball, numerology and astrology to give you specific personal details.
Some psychics speak with spirit guides while others connect with your deceased loved ones. So, while the means are different, the results are similar: they help you see your path ahead better.
Here are 5 myths about psychic readers you should know before you get your next reading.
Myth #1 Psychics are mind readers
Psychics are “energy readers”. More than anything else: a good psychic reader will sense how you are feeling and what’s happening in your energy field. She’ll pick up on why you feel what you feel, and the struggle you may be having in making a decision.
She can sense which choice provides a clearer, righter path for you. But she won’t know when your birthday is or what your favorite song is.
A good psychic won’t even bother to try to read your mind because the real, deeper information is stored only in your heart and in your soul-field. If a psychic needs certain “mental” information from you, she’ll just ask.
For example, an astrologer may ask you your exact date, time and place of birth. Or, a psychic-medium may ask you the name of your deceased loved one you want to connect to. This information is the means to get a good reading – not the ends.
Myth #2 Psychics know everything 24/7
Well, psychics are people, and people get tired and they can make mistakes. There’s a reason why your favorite online psychic is sometimes offline!
Psychic practice can be demanding work and many psychics need a lot of me-time to recharge their batteries. They can’t be “On” 24/7.
Psychics can’t know everything, simply because that’s against human nature. Just like you, each psychic is on a journey – there’s always more to explore, learn. There’s always more room to grow.
Even when they get help from spirit guides, they only get the information that’s relevant in that moment. Psychics are like water channels: they connect two separate bodies – you and information you don’t know about.
Myth #3 Psychics should be 100% correct
If the information is coming from a supernatural entity or from a mystery school such as the Tarot, then it must be true, right?
No, because this “information” is only a peek into your life. It’s not the whole picture. It’s only what you need to hear in that particular moment so you can make your next choice consciously. Sometimes you need to hear a certain truth so you could grow while trying to prevent it from happening.
Your future is not set in stone – you have many possibilities ahead of you. There’s a reason why it’s called “psychic advice” and not “psychic enforcement!”
Psychics can’t walk your path for you, nor will they pressure you to walk a certain path. Even if you consult several psychics, you remain the owner of your choices and your life. What you do with the psychic information you receive changes your future.
Myth #4 Intuition equals psychic abilities
You don’t become a chef if all you can make is pasta. Intuition is just a small part of being a professional psychic. It is an important part, but it’s a small part.
Many psychics undergo years of training in different mystery schools. They become proficient in diverse techniques such as crystal ball, cartomancy, spiritual channeling etc. They also learn to meditate, clear their field, and ground their energy before giving a reading.
Being a professional psychic is real work – it’s a career. Psychics spend many years to expand their skills, become better and better, and build a happy client base. They specialize in love & relationships, career, health or other life matters. Merely having intuition isn’t enough to become an established psychic.
Myth #5 All psychics are mediums
There’s a big difference between psychics and psychic-mediums. Psychics can see the past, present and future. They travel in the dimension of time, here in the physical world.
Psychic mediums, on the other hand, cross the bounds of our world and connect with the spirit world. They travel through space. The two require completely different skill sets.
Before you choose your psychic, make sure you know what you are looking for. Not all psychics are proficient in all psychic abilities. Check their profile and see if they can deliver exactly what you need.
Sharon – PIN 7490

Angels and Spirit Guides

Angels & Spirit guides – What is the difference?
As a medium and healer, I often refer to spirit guides and angels for guidance during a reading.  This not only helps me to help you but also helps people learn more about their guides and angels.
Angels are beautiful beings made up of mainly love and light and come from the spirit world.
There are nine varieties of angels that we know of.
We have the seraphim, the cherubs, the thrones, dominions, virtues, powers, principalities, archangels and angels.
Each and every one of us is born with at least two guardian angels to stay with us and protect us through our earthly life to guide us – whenever we need them.
Most of the time they are not allowed to help unless you ask for them.
You do not need to know their names to do this.
Spirit guides.
These guides are lovely. These are spirits that have lived an earthly life before and will help you through the trying times of your life.
We are born with two guides assigned to us that stay with us throughout life.
However, we can have more as we travel through life.
For example if you are going through a challenging time, and you need to learn about courage, then a guide that has that experience will come and teach and guide you.
Family member’s that have crossed over can also be your guide, they never stop helping you even from the spirit world.  They still tell you off and keep an eye on you but always with love as their main goal. – Louise PIN 7492