Image for Louise


Available soon on PIN 7492

Louise has been reading for over 20 years and her gift started in childhood. From the first-time spirit revealed himself to Louise she has been growing her gift and helping souls cross over. She helps people with the hardest journey they will ever face, which is called Life. Louises readings are always truthful no matter how difficult the subject matter. She approaches all her readings in the same way, with honesty and is none judgmental and always friendly. In addition, Louise can call upon spirit and spirit guides to help during a reading. She can connect with the spirit world and is also able to connect to the angelic realm.


  • Lou Lou! I don’t have enough words to describe how much you’ve helped, supported and guided me. You are truly amazing and have a beautiful gift in helping people. You have become a dear person to me throughout the last year. You are someone I deeply trust and so many times you have predicated the things that came out to be true, and validated so many aspects as well. You always calm me, you always make me smile and most importantly you always say the truth. It’s been a pleasure knowing you and I so look forward to our chats all the time! Thank you so much again! Xx

    Anon, June 2024
  • Louise was great, I found her reading so helpful. I would go to her again.

    F, June 2024
  • Hit the jackpot with Louise. She is direct, honest and consideried in her delivery. Within the first couple of mine she was well on track and incredibly accurate with my current situation and where I was moving forward. Very impressed.

    Sally, May 2024
  • Many thanks Louise for accurate predictions.
    Previously, I gave up on a situation as it did not unfold as fast as I would have liked it to. I was very frustrated and gave up on believing the prediction. However as time went on – the situation did change. I may have had to be abit more patient and willing to embrace the moment and allow the situation to change. Louise has picked up accurately previously about the start times of jobs and the personality traits of particular POI before I even saw them.

    S, February 2024
  • Honestly I was a bit of a sceptic before phoning up, but everything you said was bang on, things I’ve never said out loud you knew, a very insightful session! Gutted it got cut short because of my dodgy signal, I’ll definitely phone again!

    Jacob, November 2023
  • I was just about to write another testimonial about Louise and how brilliant she is and happened to read the last couple of testimonials re predictions. Of course everyone has the right to write their experience and share their opinion but it really saddens me. I have had many readings over the years with many different readers. I have learnt to stick with just a few readers now who I trust and Louise is the one I turn to the most. The reason being is that I dont just go on predictions (Louise has never really given any short term predictions apart from one which she was correct with). I don’t just rely on predictions as I have never had a prediction come through from any reader who has given me short term predictions. Louise has given me a long term prediction and she is helping me work through the process and guiding me along the way with so much support and kindness. The thing Louise brings to her readings is tremendous insight into situations and people that you may be dealing with or need help and guidance with. In Louise’s spare time when not taking readings she carries healing sessions for you as her client/friend. The things Louise comes back with are things she could not have personally known in just a reading. Please I hate to see these negative testimonials and really do not want these to put you off having a reading with the brilliant Louise…there are many testimonials with rave reviews about Louise, please listen to those. Big hugs Louise and thank you xx

    Wendy, September 2023
  • First off, I am a spiritual person so I get how the spirit world works.
    I had a reading with Louise about 7 or 8 months ago I was having a hard time with work and my relationship was down the drain. I spoke to Louise who blew me away
    She knew my grandparents name they “rolled off her tongue”.
    She told me my grandma remembered dancing with my in front of a window with stained glass I did not recall this. But I saw it later on a family home movie just how Louise had said. She knew names places things a person would not know.
    A few predictions didn’t come true AT FIRST. I spoke to miss Louise and asked why? She told me why basically I was being sassy and following my own advice. Y’all I followed hers and it all happened. Now me and my man we are getting married…
    I thought hope was lost but Louise made me see it’s not the case she is warm kind and truthful she put me straight told me off when I needed it and I can’t thank her enough.
    She is amazing 🤩

    A, August 2023
  • Louise as always amazes me with her accuracy and the detail she goes into in readings. I have been having readings with Louise for three years now and she is always consistent, honest and never changes track which I have experienced in the past with some other readers so I know I can trust her completely. Today Louise told me an accurate description of the colour of my hair and eyes, my hair is different colours in different lights and my eyes change colour also and she knew that…..amazing Louise and thank you as always for being a constant support. Sorry Louise you are stuck with me and the complex K.

    Thank you….xxx

    Wendy, August 2023
  • Dear Louise,

    Thank you for your patience and dedication.

    I am a holistic healer working in energy regeneration.

    Louise successfully pointed out my areas of concern.

    Readings with Louise have been consistently good but truthful.

    What one likes about Louise is her ability to explain why what is happening is happening.

    Louise’s knowledgeable about karma and past lives the present and projecting forward.

    My experience with Louise as approachable, knows her stuff honest and reliable.

    Louise as you always say Karma goes on intentions and karma will prevail.

    Universal E, July 2023
  • Long overdue testimonial for Louise. I have had many reading over the past few months buy absolutely none of the prediction have happened even though she assured me they would. I am so disappointed having spent so much money with her, my friend has told me there are much better readers on this site instead of Louise so I will try them instead.

    Anon, July 2023
  • Have had a few readings with Louise and she is so accurate.
    Very friendly. You must have a reading with this lovely lady. Xx

    Clare, July 2023
  • Totally blown away!!!… As soon as I said that I wanted a love reading Louise bought my person into the reading without me giving any details or background information. Absolutely spot on with everything. I didn’t want my reading to end. Looking forward to the next chapter in my life. So incredibly happy. If you want a good reading Louise is where you need to go.

    LF, June 2023
  • I had the best reading ever from Louise. I was so impressed I had to leave a review. She’s a lovely lady to speak with. She summed up what I needed to know in a really clear and positive way without going off on any tangents. She explained how I was feeling , the situation I was in and the people I was in perfectly. I left feeling reassured and confident and trust in what she says!!

    Val, June 2023
  • Louise is an excellent reader giving clarity to my situation and has given me hope for the future. I have a strong belief that her predictions will come true. Thank you so much Louise for my wonderful reading and will definitely have another reading with you again lovely lady xxx💖

    Denyse, March 2023
  • Thank you as always Louise for being your amazing self xx

    Wendy, February 2023
  • Louise is amazing, compassionate, warm and always a pleasure to speak to. I can’t praise her enough. She has guided me in understanding some tough situations and has always been accurate. She’s a real gem.

    Maria, January 2023
  • Louise has been my reader for many years and she has always given me an exceptional service.
    She has been consistent, reliable and through her talent I have grown spiritually. Her predictions have always been accurate with the advice from her spirit guides.

    Thank you Louise, you truly are a gifted reader.

    Gem, November 2022
  • This is a long over due testimonial for Louise who has been honest, supportive and just simply amazing with her predictions and guidance. Louise from the bottom of my heart thank you xx

    AM, November 2022
  • I have just had the best reading from Louise, not the first, and definitely not the last. Concise, on topic and accurate. Do not pass over the opportunity to have a reading with Louise she is excellent.

    Christian, September 2022
  • Louise is so great to talk to, she doesn’t sugar coat or tell you what you want to hear. She keeps it real and she’ll never keep you on the phone longer than you need to be. She’s got so much energy and enthusiasm I always feel lifted after we have read together. Keep being you Louise, and please everyone give her a try!

    Natalie, July 2022
  • Louise is by far the best reader I have ever spoken to. She definitely doesn’t tell you what you want to hear, she is direct, but very understanding of your situation. I am patiently waiting for her predictionsto come to fruition.

    She is a beautiful person, and the rest of her reviews speak volumes.

    If you are wanting a true, gifted reader ring her today.

    So pleased to have found you Louise.

    SallyAnn x

    SallyAnn, June 2022
  • I spoke to Louise this evening. She was supportive and honest and I am thankful for her guidance.

    Megan, June 2022
  • My dearest Louise, thank you thank you thank you. After not having spoken for a little under a year, you reconnected instantly and proved to have amazing insight. You told me my person and I will reconnect thanks to the persistence of my manifestations. I am indeed more and more worthy than I once thought I was, you’re right HE is rebounding and thanks to this rebound he’s realised he loves me and can’t imagine anyone else as his partner/spouse. We will be married. Thank you for not providing a timeline and pushing me to continue working on me, I cannot wait to get back and tell you its all happened as you said! Your 1010 xxxxxxx

    Tenten, May 2022
  • As a fellow reader Louise is the real deal
    The only person who has got my relationship down to a t
    She is very honest very very gifted
    Thank you 😊
    I’m blown away

    Amanda, May 2022
  • Had a nice & very relaxing reading with Louise who reassured me about the future in love & career. Also picked up that the last 10 years had been tough in my life. Thanks Tim x

    Tim, April 2022
  • Sat here in a airport lounge I wanted to finally write my review for Louise.

    Her fourth prediction finally happened
    As Louise said it would

    Without a doubt Louise is one of the top readers on this whole website.
    After having readings with everyone over covid and the last few years.

    I tried to connect with Louise 5 times before she could connect so she is honest.
    Prior to connecting Louise told me she would try to connect, in her own time;
    Because I was calling so much!!!
    It was her honesty which made me call her back.
    When she went away to connect I called back and I was blown away!!!

    Louise went above and beyond explaining what I was doing wrong & how to put it right.

    With that here are the predictions she gave me all of them have to fruition!

    1. The man came back after I followed her advice
    2. He proposed with the ring Louise described
    3. My business didn’t fail after the advice
    4 Currently I am on my way to meet with the clients Louise described right down to the lady’s crazy hair!

    Louise if you are reading this I can’t thank you enough
    The best reader

    Anon, March 2022
  • I’ve been having readings with Louise for a long time, and she is amazing! she never keeps you on the phone longer than she needs to, and her validations are very good ! over time her predictions happen.

    Valerie, November 2021
  • I’m not sure about this reader! It’s been over four years of readings from this person always saying that I will financially be able to move! And for four years I’ve not received the financial ability to move! When I’ve said it’s not possible she always said it will happen! Very soon!

    Rose, November 2021
  • Just wanted to say how amazing Louise is. I’m so grateful and thankful to have found her and actually feel like she is more of a friend. I have been going through a tough time for so long but Louise is always there guiding me through, even though sometimes it has been a daily occurrence I speak with her but never once does she let me down. Her precision and guidance are second to none. If anyone reading this is thinking about speaking with Louise, please do it as I guarantee you won’t be disappointed and you will hear what you need to hear. I honestly can’t thank you enough Louise.

    Lesley, September 2021
  • I had my first reading with Louise yesterday and honestly she is my favourite reader so far! Our energies matched perfectly over the phone and I enjoyed every second of my reading with her. It was like talking to a close friend rather than a stranger. She is so sweet and honest, I liked how detailed and precise she was about everything I have asked to her. I left the phone call with a huge smile on my face! I am actually looking forward to talking to her again once the things she said start falling into the place; I have a good feeling that they will because she gave me that trust. I highly recommend her! Thank you, Louise, for your time once again and it was lovely meeting you. Lots of love xo

    Hejan, August 2021
  • Louise is one of my two go psychics on this site.

    She’s consistent, she’s always friendly and she’s always there to be supportive and without judgement even when I call her about the same topic time and time again.

    She’s warm but honest and what I love about all of the psychics I had spoken to on here is that they do not sugar coat, or tell you what you want to hear. They are genuine and have a high level of integrity.

    Love speaking to her weekly. Please don’t ever leave the site!! Xxx

    Natalie, July 2021
  • Louise is an excellent psychic. She has guided me through a very dark time with patience and kindness. She’s incredible with details and spot on with predictions. I feel so lucky to have experienced a reading with her.

    Amy, June 2021
  • Louise you are amazing!
    Super quick tuning in. Absolutely love talking to you. You’ve helped me through my situation so much I’m very grateful.
    Bang on the money with everything you said.

    I’m sure we will speak again. I don’t think I would want to talk to anyone else as you are awesome .

    Thank you xxx

    Michelle, May 2021
  • This is a long overdue testimonial for Louise who is truly gifted. She is incredibly honest with her readings and is remarkable at picking up on people’s thoughts and emotions at the time of the reading. I have spoken to Louise many times over many months now and she is always clear and consistent with her predictions but at the same time she enables me to see clearer and gives me the best advice to deal with whatever is happening at the present time. Thank you so much Louise.

    Wendy x ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

    Wendy, April 2021
  • I just wanted to leave a review for Louise due to her honesty. I rang up for a reading and she shuffled her deck- straight away she was honest and let me know that she didn’t pick up anything for me. Something that I really appreciate and value in a reader. She could have told me what I wanted to her even if she wasn’t getting anything. I will definitely be calling in the future due to her honesty and respect. Thank you Louise.

    Cassidy, March 2021
  • I’ve been having readings by Louise for quite a while. Where do I start!

    Louise is truly gifted she makes you feel comfortable but that doesn’t mean she will tell you what you want to hear she’ll tell you the message exactly as it comes to her but because of how she connects to you you will feel the sincerity, integrity and gentle gravity of the message.

    Louise also completely understands the intricate complexity and nuances of a twin flame connection and bless her does her best to assure me its not all in my head and helps clear up any confusion I feel energetically or overthinking that is clouding my mind, not many readers truly understand the sensitivity around a twin flame connection and all the things that personally and spirituality come with being a twin but Louise has a great way of helping you to navigate that landscape for anyone in a twin flame connection seeking advice your in good hands with Louise. She has also been able to inform me on some vital details about me which has been a true blessing.

    She has an amazing energy she’s very patient and I really like talking with her its truly seeking counsel with a friend, I can’t say enough about her.

    You can’t go wrong with choosing to connect with Louise.

    L, January 2021
  • Amazing 💖

    maegen, November 2020
  • I have had several readings with Louise. I enjoy speaking to her as she is very down to earth and tunes in very quickly. She answers questions quickly with alot of detail but is also very humanistic and builds rapport with her clients by being friendly and approachable. Her predictions have come true and she is reliable. She is one the most reliable psychics on Elizabeth Rose and I commend her abilities. She is amazing

    Sonia, November 2020
  • This is a long overdue testimonial for Louise. I connected initially with Louise at the beginning of this year, and she just made a couple of short-term predictions which were absolutely bang-on the money! There’s no fluff or ambiguity when I connect with Louise, just clear, straight information with no lengthy pauses. She only takes up enough time to cover what you are asking and never tries to stretch the reading out for longer than necessary. Some readings have taken 30 minutes, others just 10 minutes.
    Thank you for your wonderful gift and insight, I always come off our call feeling uplifted, clear and positive. This lady deserves 5 Stars every time, thank you Louise.

    Tam, October 2020
  • I have had quite a few readings with Louise recently. Everything she says does come true even when she uses. She is so friendly, humanistic and real. She is caring but also very good at what she does.

    S, September 2020
  • Had a first reading with Louise on 30/4/20 . She was warm and friendly. Bubbly and kind. She made two predictions. The very next day The first prediction came true.!! The other one, I’ll have to wait a month but the first one happened within the time frame and like she said. I called back 2/5/20 to Let her know and further predictions were made. I’ll leave a testimony when they come to light. I would recommend her you can tell she knows what she is doing and saying. Love and light to all reading this stay safe. Xxx

    Peace, May 2020
  • What can I say about this wonderful lady that hasnt already been said. Louise you are a wonderful person, it really is like talking to a friend you’ve known for years. I have had a few readings with lousie over the last 10 months and when I’m feeling lost she really does just make u feel comforted. Shes very honest and kind.

    Em, May 2020
  • I had 2 readings with Louise within few days. I was curious to know if she changes her predictions. I was speechless, not sure how to take what she said, but she said the exact same things the 2 times with spotting on the letter of the person in my mind. I can’t believe how accurate she is and not judgemental at all. She described my situation in details, like she was living with me. What impressed me more? The fact that her sayings didn’t change a bit those 2 times. I pretty sure she must talk to lots of people and she won’t be able to remember what she says to each of us nor our names. For me she is a GEM. I deffo recommend her. God bless you Louise.

    F, March 2020
  • I had a reading with lovely Louise last week in a time of lots of uncertainty (for most).

    First of all it felt as if I was speaking to a friend who I’ve known for years- I completely connected with her warmth and humour. She has made me feel a lot more settled.

    Its very early stages but I was really shocked with the amount of detail Louise provided in the reading and how certain she was on these details.

    I am looking forward to seeing if what she predicted materialises.

    Thanks again Louise, you’re an ace lady! xx

    Miss P, March 2020
  • Hi Louise,
    Wanted to say a massive thank you for all your kindness and your true accuracy.
    He did come back on New Year’s Eve as predicted!
    Please if anyone reads this get a reading with Louise she is just lovely she made me cry when she told me what my lovely father said in heaven.
    She was right when she said that he would be wearing a purple tie.
    Happy new year Lou Lou
    Thanks a million

    Jessie, January 2020
  • I’ve just had my first reading from Louise and would just like to thank her so much. She was so,so in tune with my current situation and through her excellent mediumship gave me so much positive information and suggestions on how I can move forward that I feel totally motivated to make the changes in my life that I’ve been struggling with.
    She is empathic and non-judgemental and I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend her to anyone. Thanks again Louise – tonight has been a very healing experience for me and I am very grateful.

    Anne, July 2019
  • Louise has been an absolute diamond. I have called her many times and even in moments of despair and she has always been there for guidance, without judging me, listened and been a kind and warm person. Thank you Louise for being so genuine, her readings and predictions are so consistent, and on top of that such an amazing person. Thank you again x

    H, July 2019
  • I’ve been speaking with Michelle many times over the years and she never fails to amaze me with her gift. So many predictions have come true and very precise at that – So I know for sure she is the real deal.

    Trevor, February 2019
  • Dear Louise,

    This is to say a sincerest thank you for the two readings you very kindly gave me last week. The insights you provided into the way things are between my friend and me seem amazingly accurate and have taken a weight off my mind. Without a shadow of doubt, they will help our friendship to blossom specially I feel, from my perspective.

    When first calling, I was apprehensive about the way things would eventuate between us. Yet your intuitive reasoning – knowing some key factors without asking questions and without my disclosing any information, was quite astonishing. It all definitely makes sense. As a result, I’ve gained an optimistic outlook that helps provide a more stable basis to the friendship from my viewpoint, at least.

    With renewed and heartfelt thanks for your two readings that together with those by a few other female psychic mediums from Elizabeth Rose, have helped make a really positive difference to my life.

    Wishing you continued success and happiness.

    Kind regards,

    Deborah, February 2019
  • Louise is beyond amazing, she is the best reader I have ever spoken to. Louise has the most beautiful soul and her connection to spirit is breathtaking. Louise is absolutely spot on with what is going to happen, I can honestly say I don’t know where I would have been without Louise’s guidance. She has been the light in the darkness I was in. I also appreciate that Louise will come on if needed. Thank you so much you will never realise how much I appreciate you being there xx

    Zoe, January 2019
  • I’ve had several readings with Louise during some very trying periods in my life. This wonderful lady is a beautiful soul who cares deeply about people and delivers her messages with compassion and kindness. Louise is way more than a psychic reader – she provides invaluable help and support. Her messages are accurate, even if she knows something will be hard for you to hear ,she has a way of telling you that leaves you feeling empowered, cared for and supported. I feel the most positive I have felt in a long while and know that the best part of my life journey is just beginning. Louise has confirmed this today. Thank you Louise for being a shining star always xx Amy

    Amy, November 2018
  • I spoke with Louise tonight for the first time and I was completely bowled over with her energy, skill, compassion and understanding. Louise you knew straight away the issues that surround me, spoke with a sensitiveness to help allay my worries giving guidance on how I should go forward.
    I’ve spoken to several psychics in my life and you are way up there at the top for demonstrating your ability with accuracy.
    I would have no hesitation in recommending you to anyone.
    I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

    Nicky, October 2018
  • I have had a few readings with Louise and she is an absolutely amazing psychic. Louise delivers her messages in a calm, considered and compassionate way. Words cannot express how brilliant she is. She has been a godsend and life saver to me whilst I have been going through a difficult emotional time with a relationship. Louise has helped me keep faith, believe in myself and what I feel. Louise thank you so much you really do soothe my soul xxx

    Sarah, March 2018
  • I wanted to leave a long overdue review.
    I love speaking with you and having readings with you.
    So far everything that you have said would happen has.
    You always pick me up and give it to me straight.
    Thank you for everything the new job lady did have an angel broach.

    Anon, February 2018
  • Thank you Louise for always being there for me, coming online even when not working. I am in a difficult situation but you have supported me to ensure I don’t give up on something very special. I look forward to your predictions and will write again when they materialise. You are truly a special lady.

    Gem, September 2017
  • Hello, I thought I would leave a small review.
    Firstly let me say to anyone who is looking at this and thinking should I speak to Louise? My advice is yes!
    I have met lovely Louise in person she is every bit as lovely in person and genuine as she is on the phone.
    I first met her when my mum was in the same hospice as her aunt.

    Louise had a warm comforting way about her and would often sit with anyone who seemed to be afraid.
    I asked Louise for a reading many times but each time I got told to ring the team here at moon.
    So very loyal.
    So I did, but I never said who I was and she got everything right.
    Louise is always busy and for good reason too.
    She had us all laughing and crying.
    Such a lovely person.

    joy, July 2017
  • Thank you dear dear Gem Louise after some time
    it was a blessing to have a new reading this morning.
    Thank you so much for your talent.
    The Love story i am in is so special.

    w, July 2017
  • I would like to leave a million stars review for the kind and beautiful Louise. I had my first reading with her last year and I didn’t have to say anything; she picked up the situation immediately. I was going through a very dark time, but she always saw the light and kept me going. She is my rock and has become my friend. Not only are her assessments and predictions spot on, but her caring and humanity is truly amazing. She is a very special lady.

    Butterfly, June 2017
  • Louise, thank you so much.
    Your inspirational loving readings have really helped me with your warm manner and lovely kindness.
    I can’t believe you got the name right about the man.
    You were so right about everything the thing I love about you is you get straight to the point.
    If you want a reader that is honest accurate and to the point Louise is your lady xxxxxxx

    A, April 2017
  • I’ve been having reading with Louise for two years now. I gave up and called her each time saying nothing was happening as she predicted. Each time she reassured me it will happen. Now it has. I’m just waiting for the final bit to unfold. Louise you are so amazing. I can’t thank you enough for always being so welcoming and looking into things for me over and over. Louise is phenomenal and a true reader. I will write another review once the second half unfolds. ive realised to stick to one reader and without a doubt Louise is my pick! -K

    k, February 2017
  • I would like to leave a 5* rating for Louise please ….. I have had a few readings with Louise now and she is an amazing person and very gifted reader she gave me such clarity on my situation and made me feel so much more at ease. Everything she has told me so far has been spot on and I am so looking forward to 2017 to see if what else she predicted will come true 🙂 thank you Louise x

    lucy, February 2017
  • Hello Louise.
    I have been wanting to put something for a while…
    Now anyone that is reading this and is thinking should I have a reading my answer is yes and with Louise!
    Louise is a one off unique reader who is just amazing.
    She is so honest and connects with such grace.
    Myself I teach reiki and I also used to read.
    For over 35 years.
    Louise is the real deal.
    The man came back the money came in and I sold the house.
    12 or so of my friends also agree with me about Louise she is special.
    With Louise I know I can trust her and so can you.
    Happy new year Louise

    Angel, January 2017
  • Hello Louise.
    I have been wanting to put something for a while…
    Now anyone that is reading this and is thinking should I have a reading my answer is yes and with Louise!
    Louise is a one off unique reader who is just amazing.
    She is so honest and connects with such grace.
    Myself I teach reiki and I also used to read.
    For over 35 years.
    Louise is the real deal.
    The man came back the money came in and I sold the house.
    12 or so of my friends also agree with me about Louise she is special.
    With Louise I know I can trust her and so can you.
    Happy new year Louise xxxxxxx

    Spiritual lady dove, January 2017
  • Would like to say Louise is phenomenal and has a gift to counsel as well as give an in depth reading she has helped me so much this year and I will never be able to thank her enough for keeping me calm a truly beautiful earth angel many blessings to her and a thank you to Elizabeth rose and company

    anon, November 2016
  • Louise my darling you are fantastic you always cheer me up and believe in me when I don’t, your help and guidance over the last few month is unbelievable.if anybody is thinking of a reading Louise is your girl she will amaze you, thank you again your the best x

    Simone, November 2016
  • Hello Louise this is your favourite pixie.
    I want to tell anyone that is thinking of Louise for a reading, that she is a lovely person and one amazing psychic.
    Because of Louise I have rebuilt my confidence and my outlook has changed.
    Louise’s predictions have all been consitant and she has never changed her predictions.
    They have all happened, the phone call happened the date with the green table cloth happened.
    His mum finally admitted things and now because of Louise’s advice my business is taking off.
    Louise you are a star you are my lucky star thank you for everything!

    Melody, October 2016
  • I found that Louise is amazing and a wonderful person. She leaves me with relaxed and content after my readings with her. She picked up my issues straight away and awaiting for the results to come..I love you louise..your a star xx

    Tracey, August 2016
  • Hi Louise just wanted to say hello and leave some feedback!
    I first saw Louise in a magazine and she was amazing she has such a happy lovely vibe and put me at ease her prediction was accurate and she looked at work for me which was correct too thanks to Louise I now feel happier and more confident she validated it by saying word for word what had been said and would be said.
    The cat also was a white one with a black tail he stole my heart just like you said Louise.
    Thank you so much xxxxxxxxxxx

    Anon, August 2016
  • I have been having psychic readings for over 40 years and Louise is the best psychic reader I have ever found.
    Just to clarify I spend a lot on my readings I take them very seriously. I was first off recommend Louise by two co-workers so I called Louise and I was impressed. She is warm, very funny and has so much knowledge and her accuracy was amazing. Louise explained that is was MY reading and that I had control.
    She asked no prying questions and answered all my concerns with such ease. Moon predictions you have a diamond of a reader in Louise.So far everyone of her 14 predictions have happened and yes I keep a list. A glimmer of light in darkness thank you Louise xxxx

    Angel, June 2016
  • Louise you my girl will be famous!
    I must admit when I first read the reviews etc I was unsure.
    BUT then I was met by this lovely lively welcoming jolly lady who is just lovely you can feel her energy and love.
    Louise tuned in to me and got my situation spot on.
    At first I thought she was telling me what I wanted to hear then about a week later it slowly happened.
    Louise gets to the point no dilly dallying she just goes straight in.
    Louise explained that she uses my guides to help.
    She gave me details about my life about what signs I will get and so far all of happened.
    The loveliness of Louise is amazing and with her gift she is going places she proved spirit do exist give her a try she’s honest decent and genuine.

    Ms Cotton, May 2016
  • Big thank you to Louise, all her validations were correct and looking forward to other predictions happening.

    Anon, April 2016
  • Louise is absolute gem she is friendly and very detailed …. her timings and predictions are very accurate too

    sam, April 2016
  • I have been wanting to write a review for Louise for so long but I have never really had the time.
    Louise has the most friendliest personality and the warmest way about her.
    When she connects she does it with love and care humility and honesty.
    I have been having readings with Louise for months and she has been consistent and accurate.
    Her predictions happened in the order she described.
    I didn’t dare believe that something so good could happen.
    When Louise says she will send energy and healing I believe she does because I do feel it and it makes a difference.
    Please give Louise a go she is dedicated and even has been known to come online when she is not working to help me.
    Louise I love you thank You for everything and more.

    Anon, February 2016
  • Very good reading was impressed. Will return if predictions come to pass.

    G, January 2016
  • Thanks a lot brill reading very accurate.

    tee, January 2016
  • Dearest Louise
    I love you.
    From day one you have taken the time to explain to me how life’s matrix of webs work I never believed, you.
    Until he showed up at my door saying everything you have said he would.
    He even said the mans name who had taken him in and been a friend to him.
    He’s now back with me loving me and we are happy.
    The ring also turned up in a wet grey dark place that floods!! Turns out it was the washing machine ring.
    My grandma was right when she told you.
    Thank you forever.

    Grateful pixie, December 2015
  • I have just had a reading with Louise and can honestly say this woman is AMAZING. The things she picked up on is incredible, to the point of knowing names of people in my family and someone who is not in my family but I have had problems with in the past. Everything she said is spot on including mine and my partners thoughts and feelings. Louise reads in such a caring and positive manner, non judgemental and NO probing questions. I feel very uplifted and happy since my reading. Highly recommend this lady you will not be disappointed.

    Lucia, November 2015
  • Louise told me that my partner would be back by the end of October.
    On the 31st of October he called me,and we are trying again.
    Louise mentioned a name to me who was helping me.
    I found out that the name belonged to his friend who died last year.
    It proves to me that angels do exist.
    Louise’s other predictions have also come to pass.
    Read Louise’s blog she is knowledgeable this proves Louise is not here to make money but she truly cares about people.
    This shines through in her kind responses .
    Because of Louise’s insight my business is doing better I am doing better and my whole outlook has changed.

    Angel lover, November 2015
  • I just wanted to leave a message for Louise and say to her that she is very good and caring psychic. I enjoy her readings . I find her very interesting. There is only 3 psychics I usually speak to on here, and she’s one of them!

    lolita, November 2015
  • I have had lots of readings with Louise some short some long.
    Louise is a truly gifted and talented reader.
    I have read myself for 40 years.
    Louise is amazing.
    When she first tuned in I thought she was telling me what I wanted to hear but then it happened just as she said it would.
    Give Louise a try she is one of a kind.
    Louise has helped my new business grow and helped me in my personal circumstances.
    Both me my daughter and her mother in law use Louise.
    Louise will give an honest account of what’s going on and why and what spirit world are doing not from what you perceive but from what the spiritual realm perceive.
    Louise connects so well give her a chance

    Anon, October 2015
  • I like to think of my self as someone experienced in the spiritual field, after spending most of my life working as a teacher of metaphysics.
    I have gotten my fair share of readings from people tarot readers mediums/psychics etc from all around the world,
    both in person by email and by the phone.
    When I first spoke with Louise I thought she was as mad as a box of frogs with her jolly voice and upbeat humour.
    I thought none of what she said was true and none of it would happen.
    However three days later the impossible happened and Louise’s prediction came in.
    So I called again this time I asked her something – once again she gave a too good to be true answer. When I asked Louise how she knew she explained her method etc and again it happened.
    Louise is a fun, no airs or graces reader.
    Her blog on here is out of this world and I hope to read more soon.
    I have been on a quest for 25 years to find someone like Louise.

    LLin, September 2015
  • Louise! Thank you so much for your insight and incredible ability to tap into such difficult and complicated issues with such ease and genuine positivity! You turn a negative situation into something positive with your friendly nature and calming voice.. You are truly a gifted reader !!!!! Without your insight I would have been lost in a puddle of despair …Spot on everytime! Nadine X

    Nadine, September 2015
  • Hello Louise
    It’s me thank you a million times. I was very skeptical when I first spoke to Louise because when she said an ex who I love is coming back to me in September I thought it was not true but she said there would be talk of marriage. But it had been over a year since I spoke to him. Last week he showed up he text me we met up.
    To cut a long story short we have been back in touch and seen each other a lot and last night he PROPOSED!!! Thank you Louise every other psychic said he was gone but not you. Thank you. Xxxxxxxxx Ps you said the ring would be gorgeous and it is xx

    Anon, September 2015
  • I first spoke with Louise on premium after my friend and sister had a reading with Louise and recommend her to me.
    Louise is amazing and the real deal she connects with such care and even got my family’s name and traits who are in the spirit world.
    She told me I would find a house with a blue back door and a pond in the back garden; this was correct and I found out today my offer was accepted.
    So many other things have happened too what Louise said would she is wonderful I will be back soon.

    D, September 2015
  • Louise Louise LOUISE!!!!
    What a complete star!! I am no beginner when it comes to having psychic readings BUT Louise is amazing!!
    She knew and understood my delicate situation straight away!
    She was funny kind respectful to the point and very very accurate!
    The predictions have already come to pass!
    Louise is like the Mary poppins of psychics.
    What I like about Louise is she is real, she does not talk to you like she is the all knowing powerful oz but as a true friend!
    Louise your gift is wonderful don’t ever leave!
    Mrs C

    mrsC, September 2015
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